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Armando Nava Dominguez (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Canada) 

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Armando Nava Dominguez has a Bachelor’s degree in Energy Engineering, specialized in Nuclear Thermalhydraulics and a Master’s degree in Nuclear Thermalhydraulics. He joined CNL in 2005 as a Thermalhydraulics Analyst, specializing in code development and validation of the subchannel code ASSERT-PV. He joined the Canadian Super Critical Water Reactor (SCWR) team in 2011 as part of the Generation-IV International Forum (GIF) program. He is the Canadian member and co-chair of the SCWR Thermalhydraulics and Safety under GIF. At CNL, he is the Technical Lead of the SCWR Gen IV project, and Head of the Advanced Reactor Technologies section. In addition, he has five years of experience in the private sector conducting deterministic and probabilistic safety analyses of nuclear power plants.