Yves Desbazeille (nucleareurope, Belgium) t
L'incontro fa parte del ciclo 2023-24 "Past-students and Expert Webinars in Nuclear Energy", un programma di webinar sull'energia nucleare tenuti da ex-studenti unipi ed esperti internazionali.
Il ciclo è organizzato nell'ambito del progetto ENEN2plus, dell'European Nuclear Education Network.
Yves Desbazeille (Director General, nucleareurope) is French and graduated in electrical engineering from the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité (“SUPELEC”) in France in 1991 and studied on an MBA program in the early 2000s. During his successful career, he has been involved in different businesses and responsibilities at EDF: nuclear engineering, hydro and thermal power projects management in France, USA as well as in Asia, where he was for 5 years. His previous position as EDF representative for energy in Brussels has provided him with an in-depth knowledge of the EU institutions and Brussels’ stakeholders and of the energy and climate stakes for Europe.
nucleareurope is the Brussels-based trade association for the nuclear energy industry in Europe. nucleareurope acts as the voice of the European nuclear industry in energy policy discussions with EU institutions and other key stakeholders. The membership of nucleareurope is made up of 15 national nuclear associations.