Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica Computazionale
Gruppo di Ricerca
Maria Vittoria Salvetti
Simone Camarri
Alessandro Mariotti
Collaborazioni esterne
BioCardioLab, Fondazione Toscana G. Monasterio(http://bcl.ftgm.it)
UT Dallas (https://www.utdallas.edu)
KTH Stockholm (https://www.kth.se/en)
The Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory has many years of experience in the use and development of numerical codes (commercial, open-source, proprietary) for the simulation of complex flow configurations.
Some multi-core workstations are available at the laboratory and, moreover, the research group has a large experience in the use of high-performance parallel computing through the access of external facilities (mainly at CINECA, Italy).